Read the news that Indian politicians are going to get iPads and Samsung Tablets to draft their memos and bills. Of course , the pros and cons of the resolution of Janlokpal goes on without using paper and done through by MPs on their shining tablets.
This might be a very innovative step since if used properly by the MPs and can help the country to solve problems at the touch of finger (yup but gut says they will not). Would not be surprised if the caste based politicians might ask for the gadgets and features for free citing there age old reservation issues.

But this practice will also put forward whether these politicians will use the social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter to connect with the people.The recent Janlokpal movement with there social media usage generated a buzz around and spread the info about the Janlokpal among the classes and masses. Although masses are not as connected through the social media but the electronic media jelled well to spread the message.

Thus , the question which comes in mind is that is social media can enhance the growth of our Indian politics? The answer is thumping "YES" since this Anna Hazare movement has shown. Its open platform for the MPs to have interaction with the people of its constituencies . The debates and discussion on the social media sites were much better than the ruckus which we see in the studios of the media moguls panels . The further fight for the right to recall , right to reject will be interesting .
We have seen earlier how the similar FB posts had started the jasmine revolution in the countries like Tunisia, Eygpt, Yemen , Bahrain, and the Arab Spring . The Social Media was used in the proper way where people used the Facebook, Twitter ,Skype such that it called for unity to fight the oppressed regime of the government of respective states. We are proud that our Janlokpal revolution was in sense properly channeled under leadership of Anna Hazare in a peaceful and non violent way . Since it was done in non-violent way and with no rhetoric's but a simple way to stress the point. The members of the India Against Corruption (IAC) did a brilliant job by posting every development through posts, tweets and videos , keeping the flame of fight through the movement.
Thus , the media which is regarded as the fourth pillar of democracy through its new elements of social websites have changed and strengthen the game of politics and governance . The transparency which was lost by the recent scams and involvement of few media honchos was retained by the likes of the post on FBs and re-tweets on Twitter from the netizens.
Hope this Janlokpal Bill is passed in the parliament through proper debate in the house and outside the house through media and corruption is minimized in India.