Its Navaratra Utsav which is being celebrated around India, people are enjoying the garba and dandiya festivities .The festival in which all the devotees pray to goddess Durga and also do jagran by enjoying garba . The similar type of ritual is being followed around the congress high house at 10 Janpath . The deity for the Congress chamcha is non other than the one and only one Italino Sonia Devi.

It has been a mere coincidence the way issues flare up on her arrival and all the congress bhakts just run around her mandir praying for solutions. Our Bengali Babu Moshoi made a true revelation and a note that his chaddi yarr Chiddu could have avoided the 2G scam. This created a storm in the lungi of Chettinand yedchap who started crying and creating ruckus at home since he is the Home minister. So our Chiddu started calling franatically to one Sardar who we Indians are made to believe that he is the PM.But everyones knows who the real PM is the one who has the remote in her hands.Fearing there Devi our Pranabda ran to New York and then started to explain Mandy about his mistakle. But our Top ka Sardar was interested in clearing the line for the Pakistan foreign weapon of mass destruction Khar.Thus it was a futile visit for Pranabda,he would utilised the time to prepare for the Durga Pujo. The only thing he missed might be the PM's birthday which was being celebrated in the flight .

When the PM and his entourage came along the problem of Pranab Chitti to Chiddu got flared up in the media. Now the navratara has started and it was the time to please the goddess. Thus, we saw in the Congress TV channels like CNN-IBN that the ministers with their best attire were getting ready to play garba . Thus, every top minister from Khurshid, Moily, Narayanswamy s, danced to the tunes of Soniadevi. Every day during the nine day fest we will see great dramas. The Chiidu will always send rumours that he is going to resign , our Sardar will cry along everytime he has full confidence in Chaadi oops Chiddu. Then Bangla man will appease PM to show he didn't mean that . Then in the late midnight all GoM will go to Sonia and try to explain her the similar situation. This situation go on daily for nine days.

But the real surprise will be when the hidden cameras will show us that rather than discussing about the issues, these ministers are dancing around Sonia and enjoying the Garba nights . Rahul Gandhi is beating the drums and the Doggie a.k.a Diggy Singh will bark around assume he is singing. Thus , rather be involved in some serious issues which are close to to people but enjoying the night revelry .So here when the planning committee decides that anyone earning more than Rs 32/- per day is not poor, our government not concerned with this issue. They are angered that there Home Minster is just accused of not being able to avoid the scam . On whose money our Finance Minister was making those foreign jaunts , it would have been wise if he would have stayed 2-3 days more. The worst he would have called PM on India's 3G network . It shows how the govt will blow the Indians money and says we are not the part of crime.
Its for us to decide why and how to destroy the ten headed monster of Congress this coming Dusherra or just flocking the theaters to watch SRKs Ra-one .
saw today's news that digvijay singh is going to file a case of defamation against social media like facebook youtube and blogs like yours..what a funny world they live in..
yup very sad but diggy will get the shit
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